Latest bike register event and top tips for keeping your cycle safe

Above: A previous pop-up Cycle Lewes bike marking event.

We want to encourage everyone who has a bike in Lewes to Lock it securely and Log it with Bike Register to deter theft. Cycle theft is increasing and there is a growing market in second-hand bikes.

Come to one of our ‘bike marking’ events we’ll mark and register your bike… it’s free

FREE Bike Marking Event

Saturday, 23rd September 2023,

Dr Bike, Harvey’s Yard (Rear) 9.30-12noon

 If you can’t make an event you can register it directly using your bike frame number at

This video shows you how to find and record your frame number


Not locking a bike, poor quality locks and poor locking techniques make cycles more vulnerable to theft and once stolen the lack of identifiable information to prove a crime often prevents the police from being able to connect stolen cycles with their owners or take action again thieves. That’s why Cycle Lewes hold regular bike marking events.

We’d also like to hear about your experience and views of cycling in Lewes and what we should be campaigning for to make cycling safer for ALL!

Download Cycle Lewes Top tips for keeping your cycle safe here



Cycle Lewes AGM 2023; Exciting ideas and a plea for members to get involved…


Newsletter, August 2023