Low Traffic Lewes Project: Survey results Feb 2022

With over five thousand cars using the High Street everyday (of which 50% drive straight through the town), this joint Lewes Living Streets & Cycle Lewes project aims to reduce the speed & volume of traffic on Lewes High Street (from Keere Street to Boots).

The project has received funding from Lewes Town Council and crowd funding from members of the two organisations and the wider public who want to make the High Street a more attractive place for visitors and residents to shop, socialise and enjoy.

The survey was carried out in 2021, and it is hoped will provide compelling evidence on the need to change the layout and infrastructure on School Hill and the Upper High Street.

Download the Visitors, Businesses and on-line Residents Survey February 2022.


Lewes Through Traffic Camera Survey results Feb 2022


Young Lewesians send Climate Change message on the need for better cycling facilities in the County Town