Old Malling Farm development proposal. Where are the cycle routes?

Download Cycle Lewes's submission opposing the Old Malling Farm application

Old Malling Farm is situated off the Old Malling Way, and is a green field site with an application for the erection of up to 226 new dwellings.

Cycle Lewes has submitted its official objection to this application, but it is important that we also do this as individuals to make our voices heard. The proposal is not fit for a sustainable future and needs to be challenged strongly.  The design of this site needs to build-in cycling and walking as the first choice for short journeys.

If you haven’t done so already please consider objecting personally either through the portal or simply send an email by March 30. Please share this with others that may want to make comments, including residents groups.

https://planningpublicaccess.southdowns.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=dates&keyVal=PIUIGFTUHTB00 planningpolicy@southdowns.gov.uk

Planning application at Old Malling Farm. SDNP/18/06103/OUT | Erection of up to 226 dwellings and Public Open Space with associated infrastructure including new access from Monks Way.

Cycle Lewes have reviewed the above development and consider that there are strong grounds for its refusal. The detailed grounds and background information are set out on our website but in summary they are:-

The development in the proposed form is contrary to the governments active travel programme and bold vision for cycling and walking which must be taken into account in the design of new housing developments

The development fails to deliver a sustainable form of development that prioritises zero carbon modes of transport.

The development fails to provide convenient, safe, attractive and easily accessible network of paths and cycleways, that prioritise the movement of pedestrians and cyclists and provide convenient routes to  the disused railway line and the town centre.

The site must be extended to include a safe gently graded cycleway and footpath access at its southern end, nearest to Malling playing fields, so that cycling and walking are the preference of choice and offer the most convenient access to and from the site, linking up with the riverside pathway, thereby avoiding conflict with vehicular traffic.

The proposed pedestrians and cycle access routes onto Monks Way and Old Malling Way lack connectivity given the absence of a footway on the west side adjacent to the railway cutting and no cycleways and is in conflict with South Down Local Plan Policy SD76, Lewes Neighbourhood Plan policy AM1 and The Hamsey Neighbourhood Plan.

The vehicular access from Monks Way must provide for the existing walking and cycling route along the railway cutting to be maintained without interruption or compromises to its safe use and therefore there must be a bridged vehicular access over the pedestrian and cycle route to avoid compromising the link onwards to the surrounding countryside across the River Ouse to Hamsey, thereby compling with South Down Local Plan Policy SD76.

The development fails to provide the off-site cycle infrastructure requirement set out in The East Sussex Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan, including surface improvements to the railway cutting and the replacement of Willeys bridge with a wider structure.

The development should fund significant off site works to provide the cycle and pedestrian facilities into the town centre including of the riverside path from Tesco and Cliff High Street together with cycle lanes and junction improvements at Phoenix Causeway to accommodate the additional pedestrian and cycle journeys.

There is an over emphasis on car parking which is excessive with 451 spaces, which encourages the use of cars in conflict with planning policies to protect the environment.

The development does not provide adequate high quality, safe, secure and accessible bicycle storage facilities to each dwelling, including charging facilities, contrary to South Down Local Plan Policy SD5 and SD22.

Without these access and infrastructure requirements  the development generates avoidable and significant vehicular traffic contrary to sustainable planning policy SD2 and SD3 to reduce air pollution, meet zero levels of carbon and improve wellbeing.

Cycle Lewes raise strong objections to the development as being in conflict with Core South Downs Local Plan Policy SD2, Core Policy SD3, Strategic Policies SD5, SD19, SD20, SD22, and SD76; Lewes Neighbourhood Policy AM1; Hamsey Neighbourhood Plan vision for non-motorised travel and the creation of an effective network of footpaths and new cycle paths linking the communities across the Parish and the East Sussex Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).


Cycle Lewes film about the proposed C90 through Lewes


Cycle Lewes Newsletter July 2022